
Led Zeppelin--齊柏林飛船 Led Zeppelin 齊柏林飛船,這支重金屬的宗師,可說是史上最偉大的重金屬樂團!齊柏林飛船成軍於1968年,距今已有三十二年之久了,所以除了老一輩的搖滾樂迷對他們可能還留有印象,大多數的人可能不知LED ZEPPELIN是何物了吧.現今『齊柏林飛船』幾乎已成為重金屬的代名詞,自1968年成軍以來始終擁有廣大的樂迷。四位團員分別是主唱Robert Plant、吉他Jimmy Page、貝斯兼鍵盤John Paul Jones、鼓手John Bonham,每人各司其職,至Bonham於1980年去世都未曾更換團員,即便解散樂團也不願另尋鼓手。『齊柏林飛船』傳奇始於Jimmy短暫加入『Yardbirds』,又到處客串吉他手之後,興起組團念頭。首張同名專輯於1969年發行,藍調、重金屬的衝擊立即引起大家注意,同年底第二張專輯Dazed And Confused充滿藍調與迷幻藥味,已經確立他們樂團的地位。第三張專輯開始內容漸趨保守。1974年出版的第四張專輯更是搖滾樂的聖經,不論音樂或是封面上那位背柴的老人,都引起一陣討論。同年第五張專輯Houses Of The Holy發行,雷鬼節奏的D'yer mak'er予人全新的感受。1975年兩張一套的Physical Graffiti發行,這張專輯曲風多樣,囊括各種音樂類型。接下來的一年是『齊柏林』最黯淡的時光,Page傷到左手無名指,Plant發生車禍,所有團務因此休息一年。蟄伏近三年,『齊柏林』終於再度有新作In Through The Out Door,這也是他們最後一張專輯。1982年其餘三位團員將1969到1978年沒發行過的歌曲編成Coda專輯,這是名義上最後發行的非精選作品綜觀『齊柏林』12年的表現,從早期藍調、性愛歌曲,到成熟探討人生、社會、進而對宗教、玄學的興趣,都在歌裡表達無遺,這也是『齊柏林』對重搖滾/重金屬的貢獻─提昇層次,不讓它淪為噪音的代名詞。第四張專輯 "LED ZEPPELIN(Untitled)"不論是搖滾歌曲Rock And Roll、Black Dog還是抒情的Going To California、When The Levcc Breaks呈現的是『齊柏林』成熟的搖滾精神,其中最重要的歌曲莫過於近八分鐘的Stairway To Heaven,雖然它是每位搖滾迷的最愛,但卻從未發行為單曲,歌曲詞意艱深且眾說紛紜,歌曲以空心吉他、短笛揭開序幕,Plant娓娓唱出故事裡有位女孩確信所有會發亮的都是金子,到最後電吉他風馳電掣獨奏,歸於寧靜後,以她要買通往天堂之梯為結束,是足以令人玩味再三的歌曲。Stairway To HeavenThere's a lady who's sure all that glitters is goldAnd she's buying a stairway to heavenWhen she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closedWith a word she can get what she came forOoh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heavenThere's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure'Cause you know sometimes words have two meaningsIn a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who singsSometimes all of our thoughts are misgivenOoh, it makes me wonderOoh, it makes me wonderThere's a feeling I get when I look to the WestAnd my spirit is crying for leavingIn my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the treesAnd the voices of those who standing lookingOoh, it makes me wonderOoh, it really makes me wonderAnd it's whispered that soon if we all call the tuneThen the piper will lead us to reasonAnd a new day will dawn for those who stand longAnd the forests will echo with laughterIf there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed nowIt's just a spring clean for the May QueenYes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long runThere's still time to change the road you're onAnd it makes me wonderYour head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't knowThe piper's calling you to join himDear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you knowYour stairway lies on the whispering windAnd as we wind on down the roadOur shadows taller than our soulThere walks a lady we all knowWho shines white light and wants to showHow everything still turns to goldAnd if you listen very hardThe tune will come to you at lastWhen all are one and one is allTo be a rock and not to rollAnd she's buying a stairway to heaven.

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